Henna Lipsize
Try henna lipsize for voluptuous and sensual lips.
Henna lipsize works as a booster for your lips and will give them a fuller look.
- enhance the volume of the lips
- reduces furrows and desquamation
- gives you sensual and shiny lips
- acts as an emollient and moisturizer for softer lips
- protect lips from UV and free radicals
- results visible already after a months use
Henna lipsize is the perfect alternative to expensive surgery, such as collagen injection and to painful tattooing of the lips contour.
Henna lipsize ingredients hydrate and stimulate the collagen and gag (glycosaminoglycolas) synthesis in the connective tissue of the lips thanks to which you can get the same results in a better way!
- quick, painless and cheap
- gentle and agreeable to wear
- made of 100% natural ingredientscuriosa
The presence of refreshing orange extract and natural oils also give henna lipsize smoothing and moisturizing qualities, making it very gentle and agreeable to apply and leaving your lips shiny and bright.
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